1.He said that other countries like France and Germany had already issued recommendations to limit exposure to electromagnetic fields.
2.The sun's UV rays are the strongest two hours each side of the solar noon, so you should limit exposure to the sun during these hours.
3.As the mother of a 2-year-old and 2-week-old, she takes great care to limit exposure to flame retardants in her own home.
4.Further steps to collect and direct the escaping gas to a disposal medium will limit exposure of people and equipment to the product.
5.But some consumers offered ideas on how to limit exposure to radio frequency waves. . . which includes talking a bit less.
6.This bound on message size is intended to limit exposure to DOS-style attacks.
7.To that end, we asked Gittleman for her tips on how to limit exposure to potentially harmful cell phone radiation:
8.limit exposure to marketing practices (e. g. limit television-viewing);
9.this report provides information on how to limit exposure to mold and how to identify and prevent mold - related health effects